Engauge Digitizer - Grid Removal Dialog

The Grid Removal dialog lets you remove grid lines in the original image. The resulting processed image is used in Segment Fill and Point Match. To see the processed image, select the View/Processed Image menu option.

There are three methods for removing grid lines:

When removing pixels of a particular color, you can click on a pixel in the Preview window to select that color.

When removing pixels close to regularly spaced grid lines, you must specify those grid lines, and the margin around each line. This option is only available when the axes have been defined.

When removing thin lines parallel to the axes, you specify the minimum thickness. If a line is so thin that it is thinner than this number of pixels, in either the horizontal or vertical directions, then that line is removed.

Since removing grid lines usually leaves gaps, smaller gaps produced by grid removal will be removed. The maximum gap size is an option that applies if any grid removal options is chosen.

The Grid Removal settings that successfully remove all grid lines in the gridlines_log.png example are shown below.